AFPWorld.Com is your one-stop resource for questions and information on Advanced Function Presentation – AFP.
Find out the latest News from the world of AFP here.
On AFPWorld.Com your can download various tools and shareware for AFP Viewing, such as the BTB AFP-Viewer.
Download a trial Version of the BTB AFP-Viewer
You can also directly purchase a copy right here:
btb afp to image
Converting AFP-documents to image formats such as JPG, GIF and others allows for archiving or web-delivery for easy integration.
Get more information on the BTB AFP To Image right here.
Get more information on the BTB AFP To Image right here.
btb afp to print
Printing documents within the network can be a critical application. The AFP to print solution is a server based component managing to print AFP-documents into the network. Click here to find out more
afp faq
A library of keywords and industry information for you to browse through. See if there is anything you need to find out, or simply send us your questions.
Finds jobs within the industry, sorted by vendors or companies that look for document experts, experienced in the field of document management.